Wednesday, April 20, 2011


i wanted to show you the best picture ever but i can't get it. i'm sad now.

why does god hate me so much?

i mean i'm a good person. right?

Sunday, March 6, 2011


It wasn;t nominated but 'Paperbag Comics' was listed as a submitted work for the Gene Day Award. And 'Shaggy Dog Story' launches next week

An Army of Rejects

Last month I submitted to the BLACK and WHITE ball at the Propeller Gallery and got rejected. Since i have nothing else to do with these failed works, I figure I'll show them here. I hope someone likes em.

Friday, January 14, 2011

my friend britt is posting this

hello this is Britt. in advance i am drunk and i cant spel shit! ok so ... we go to the same shol and probly have the same plans of destination in life. that tends to happen when you go to colage and meet new people. i am glad i ment mathue becouse he is truly a U nequcke ??? and beaytiferpersn inside and sometimes out. i can apreseat alot of what he has to offer from artitic pices and knowlage and insite of past and present cultrures. i hate rasinens. my dad bought me "healy cookies with rasind" lol :(